Welcome Reception

Wednesday, October 20

Welcome Back Blue Ribboners! Meet us on the rooftop bar at 5:30PM for our Welcome Reception. There will heavy appetizers and drinks!

Day 1

Thursday, October 21

Time Speaker Presentation Title or Location
7:30am-8am Morning Movement with Christian Doten Rooftop
8-9:30am BREAKFAST Ballroom
10-11am Ezra Firestone MONEY and why Now Is The Only Time You Ever Have and What To Do About It
11-11:30am Shakil Prasla Entrepreneurship: Story of greed, egoism, misery and bouncing back
11:30-12pm Jeremiah Allen Too good to be true? Facebook ad scaling solved.
12-12:30pm Matt Clark Three Lessons Learned Building the Fastest Growing Coffee Company in America in Two Years
12:30pm-2pm LUNCH Rooftop
2-2:15pm OMG Commerce
2:15-2:30pm Gorgias How to Optimize Your CX for BFCM and the Holiday Season
2:30-3pm Cathryn Lavery
3-3:30pm Sprigley Allen Advanced Marketplace Ranking Strategies
3:30-5:30pm FREE TIME
6-10pm PARTY Shyft at Mile High
Party at Shyft

We will take buses over to an awesome venue called Shyft at Mile High where we will eat great food and drink local beer & speciality cocktails. We will also have a specialized whiskey tasting!

Day 2

Friday, October 22

Time Speaker Presentation Title or Location
7:30am-8am Morning Movement with Christian Doten Rooftop
8-9:30am BREAKFAST Ballroom
10-10:30am Welcome/Raffles
10:30-11am Dan Fleyshman Fireside Chat
11-11:30am Alicia Reynoso Using Challenges to Serve Your Customers & Build an Endless Supply of UGC
11:30-12pm Kevin Bombino Facebook Is Lying To You: How To Solve The “Garbage In, Garbage Out” Problem With Conversion Metrics
12-12:30pm Kim Lewis
12:30-2pm LUNCH Rooftop
2-2:30pm Falcon Fulfilment
2:30-3:15pm Quiet Light The Unfair Advantages of Growing Your Business Through Acquisition
3:15-4pm Wrap Up