Look over Molly’s shoulder as she builds, optimizes and scales winning campaigns for her clients

Get years of expertise packed into 12 weeks, 25 sessions and over 40 hours of content

Attend weekly trainings, live feedback calls and presentations from industry experts

Stay connected to Molly and your fellow team members with the private Facebook group

Course Curriculum* (*Based on our 2018 Fall semester. Schedule may change.)

This is the media-buying program that I always wished existed. I built the curriculum from the ground up, with a training session and a Q&A session each week so you get both the information and the support that you need.

Think Like a Media Buyer

Learn the 8-step process that I use to be a successful media buyer (and how to avoid painfully common mistakes).

Acquisition Funnels with Ezra Firestone

Ezra gives a masterclass on front-end sales funnels and how to optimize your mobile offer pages.

Acquisition Funnels: Part 2

Learn the 7 front-end funnel types you need for info products, local businesses, SaaS & services.

Structuring Your Campaigns

Create the blueprint for your “traffic house” by planning 2 acquisition campaigns + a monetization campaign.

Laser Targeting & Setup

Determine your avatars’ intent, find where they’re hanging out, and get your message in front of them.

Writing Ad Copy

Learn to write to your avatars and speak to their pain points, and leave with a ton of my fill-in-the-blank templates to get you started.

High-converting Ad Creatives

Learn my process for producing great ad creative, including how to visualize your ad copy and generate good concepts.

Campaign Setup & Launch

Go into Facebook and upload your ad copy, creative and targeting, and launch your first cold traffic campaigns!

Dynamic Product Ads w/ Ezra Firestone

Learn how to use this effective ad type to reach more shoppers and promote products tailored to their interests.

Traffic & Analytics w/ John Grimshaw

Discover the What?, Why? and How? of tracking data, and how to use this information to make informed media buying decisions.

Scaling & Optimization

Learn the two parts to optimizing your live campaign, and the secrets to vertical, horizontal and exponential scaling.

Bots & Messenger Marketing

This week is a bot boot camp where you’ll learn how to market via messaging apps, then leave with a ton of campaigns you can deploy.

“Should I Join TMTP?”

This training is for anyone who wants to learn the art of paid traffic, or sharpen the skills they already have.

New Media Buyers

Avoid the costly process of trial and error. This course will give you an A-Z traffic training that will put you light-years ahead of most media buyers. (Lucky you! I wish I’d found this when I was just getting started.)

Advanced Media Buyers

This course is perfect for pros looking to sharpen their skills. You know how valuable it is to improve even one small part of your process, and I guarantee you will get a ton of new strategies to improve your ROI.


Whether you’re the owner or a team member, having a capable media buyer in-house is incredibly valuable. Without a profitable ads strategy, it can be almost impossible to grow; with the wrong one, you can make a lot of very costly mistakes.

Freelance / Agency

In my experience, most clients won’t give you a lot of time or many opportunities to start delivering the goods. TMTP will help you communicate better with your team, get bigger wins and keep more accounts.

Ecommerce, Info Products, Services and SaaS

In my ad agency, I use this same exact traffic strategy for all my clients no matter what industry they’re in, so I can guarantee that the techniques in TMTP are effective in all of them. The content of your campaigns might change, but the forces of media buying don’t!