Our proven 4-step system to quickly and profitably scale winning Facebook ads onto Youtube.
  • Get step-by-step instructions to tweak your best Facebook ads so they’ll succeed on YouTube.
  • Learn how to set up your YouTube Ads campaigns for success from day 1.
  • Protect and scale your business by diversifying your traffic with YouTube’s 2+ billion active users.
  • Copy the strategy Brett Curry used to generate $779,335 on YouTube in 6 months for BOOM! by Cindy Joseph—a 1.8x ROAS.

How to Scale Your Facebook Ads onto YouTube

  • The real secret to YouTube success is in the creative. Find out where most Facebook advertisers go wrong here, and learn the 3 most important steps to tweak and optimize your Facebook ads so they will succeed on this video-fist platform.
  • Need to create a brand-new video instead? Not to worry. Just copy Brett’s 3 most effective video ad templates to shortcut your way to a high-converting YouTube ad.
  • You’ll also learn the best ad type for driving conversions, the audience type that converts 30% more customers, and the 3 key metrics to optimize your YouTube success.
Diversify Your Traffic and Protect Your Business
Here’s another important benefit of scaling onto YouTube: it diversifies your business and gives you a backup stream for generating traffic and revenue. This way, if anything happens to your Facebook ad account, or if your sales take a big hit from a platform or algorithm update, you’ll still have a secondary revenue channel to rely on while you figure things out. This is like insurance for your brand (except instead of paying for it, it pays you) and it's something every business owner should have. Otherwise, you're just one misfortune away from going bust.
Video 1

Welcome to the YouTube Kickstart Blueprint! In this video, your instructor Brett Curry gives you an overview of the training and explains why YouTube might be the biggest opportunity for digital advertisers right now. Let's dive in!

Video 2
Finding a Winning Facebook Campaign to Translate to YouTube

The first step in scaling onto YouTube is to find a winning Facebook campaign that will translate into YouTube success. Brett explains the 3 questions you should ask when choosing a winning Facebook ad, and why you need to think about your landing pages and audiences as well.

Video 3
Creating a Winning YouTube Ad

According to Google, 50–80% of your success on YouTube comes down to your creative. So in this video, Brett gives you the 5 ways YouTube ads are different from Facebook ads (or ads on any other platform), and the must-have creative elements of a winning YouTube ad.

Video 4
Top YouTube Ad Template # 1: Love-Demo-Love

Now that you understand how YouTube is different from other ad platforms, Brett breaks down one of his favorite video ad templates: "Love-Demo-Love". This is the same formula behind one of Ezra's most successful ad campaigns ever — and it works on both Facebook and YouTube!

Video 5
Top YouTube Ad Template # 2: Explainer + UGC

Brett breaks down another one of his favorite YouTube ad templates: "The Explainer + UGC". Brett loves this template because it has a very clear problem-solution premise, making it easy for you to speak directly to your customers' pain points.

Video 6
YouTube Audiences

Now that we have a winning YouTube ad, let's talk audiences. Who should we target with our campaigns? In his video, Brett gives you an overview of the different audience types, including the two that are normally most effective: "Custom Affinity" and "Similar To".

Video 7
Building a Custom Affinity Audience

Brett goes into greater detail on "Custom Affinity" audiences, including what they are, why they're so powerful, and step-by-step instructions for setting up this audience type in the backend of the Google Ads Manager.

Video 8
Building a Similar-To Audience

In this video, you will learn how to create a "Similar To" audience (YouTube's answer to Facebook's "Lookalike" audience). Brett breaks down 3 audience types — "Converters", "Add-to-Cart" and "Similar To" — including how to set them up in Google Analytics and then send them over to Google Ads.

Video 9
Building a ToF YouTube Account

In order to run YouTube ads to cold traffic, you want a new Google Ads account for your top-of-funnel campaigns. Brett explains why this is, and how your new ad account will help you solve Google's cross-channel attribution problem./p>

Video 10
Conversion Tracking

Without Conversion Tracking, your campaign is doomed to fail. Fortunately, Google's machine learning will do most of the heavy lifting in that department. All you have to do is build a conversion code inside of Google Ads. Here's how.

Video 11
Campaign Buildout Overview

In this video, Brett gives you a quick overview of how to build out your YouTube campaigns. He shows you how to set up your audiences, the right campaign type for driving conversions, and how to set your budget.

Video 12
Campaign Buildout

Now that we know what we're doing, it's time to dive into the Google Ads Manager and actually build a campaign in our new top-of-funnel YouTube ads account. Don't worry, Brett walks you through the whole process step by step!

Video 13
Campaign Launch & Troubleshooting

In the final video of the YouTube Kickstart Blueprint, Brett explains what to expect when you launch, what the first few weeks and months might look like as you attempt to achieve scale, and some key concepts that will help your campaign succeed.

YouTube Kickstart Blueprint

13 training videos on how to launch, manage and optimize your first YouTube ad.

  • Easily Scale Your Facebook Ads onto YouTube
  • Optimize Your Existing Ad Creative for YouTube
  • Copy My 3 Best Video Ad Templates
  • Set Up Your YouTube Ads Account for Success
  • Build Out Your TrueView Campaign from Start to Finish
  • Track the Right Metrics for Troubleshooting & Optimization
  • 3 Video Templates you can use to quickly create high-converting YouTube video ads.
